What is the salary range at UNDP?
The salaries of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) staff members vary depending on several factors, including their job classification, grade level, and duty station. UNDP uses a salary scale based on the Noblemaire Principle, which is a common pay scale used across the UN system.
The Noblemaire Principle establishes a set of pay ranges based on job classification and grade level. The pay ranges are adjusted for differences in the cost of living in different duty stations around the world. In addition to base salary, UNDP staff members may also receive additional benefits such as health insurance, pension plans, and allowances for housing, education, and other expenses.
The specific salary for a particular position can be found in the job announcement or by contacting UNDP directly. UNDP also provides a comprehensive benefits package that includes medical, dental, and vision insurance, as well as life insurance, disability coverage, and retirement savings plans.
Working for UNDP is often seen as an opportunity to contribute to the greater good and make a positive impact on the world, rather than solely for financial gain.