Do UN workers travel a lot?

Travel is a significant part of many positions within the United Nations (UN), and many UN employees do travel frequently as part of their work. The amount of travel required can vary widely depending on the position, location, and ...

Which UN agencies pay interns?

Some United Nations (UN) agencies, funds, and programs offer internships, but not all of them are paid. The availability of paid internships can also depend on the location and cost of living in the specific country or region where ...

Is UN Volunteer a full time job?

Yes, UN Volunteer (UNV) assignments can be full-time positions, depending on the specific assignment and the needs of the partner organization. UNV assignments can range in duration from a few months to several years, and may involve working full-time ...

Do you need a degree to work for UN?

In most cases, a university degree is required to work for the United Nations (UN). The specific educational requirements will depend on the job requirements and level of the position, but generally, a bachelor's degree is the minimum educational ...

What is the dress code for UN staff?

The dress code for United Nations (UN) staff members can vary depending on the location, role, and type of event or meeting they are attending. However, as a general rule, UN staff members are expected to dress professionally and ...