United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)

Do you need a degree to work for UN?

In most cases, a university degree is required to work for the United Nations (UN). The specific educational requirements will depend on the job requirements and level of the position, but generally, a bachelor’s degree is the minimum educational requirement for most entry-level positions.

In addition to a university degree, UN positions typically require a combination of relevant work experience, language skills, and other qualifications. Depending on the position, a master’s degree or other advanced degree may be required or preferred.

That being said, there are some exceptions to this requirement. In certain cases, relevant work experience or specialized skills may be considered in lieu of a university degree. Additionally, UN Volunteer positions may have different educational requirements and may be open to individuals with a range of educational backgrounds. Carefully review the specific job requirements for any UN position you are interested in and ensure that you meet the necessary qualifications before applying.