How is UNDP funded?
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is funded by a variety of sources, including:
- Voluntary Contributions from Governments: UNDP receives voluntary contributions from governments around the world to fund its programs and activities. These contributions can be both earmarked for specific projects or provided as unrestricted funding.
- Multi-Donor Trust Funds: UNDP manages several multi-donor trust funds that are established by groups of donor countries or organizations to support specific development priorities or programs.
- Private Sector Partnerships: UNDP also works with private sector partners, including foundations, corporations, and individuals, to mobilize resources and expertise to support its work.
- UN System Funding: UNDP is also funded through the United Nations regular budget, which is allocated by the General Assembly to support the work of the entire UN system, including UNDP.
Overall, UNDP’s funding comes from a variety of sources, reflecting the organization’s commitment to partnerships and its multi-stakeholder approach to development