
Call for Applications
American Bar Association
Rule of Law Initiative
Legal Reform Fund

  1. Consulting information


“Development and implementation of a communication campaign aimed at promoting respect for and exercise of women’s economic and labor rights, and promoting the approval of the initiative for the Law for the Economic Development of Women -LEYDEM- (5452) and the initiative that provides for the approval of Convention 189 of the International Labor Organization -ILO- on domestic workers (4981).”


Consulting services


Guatemala City, Guatemala

Closing date for the call for applications

Applications accepted until August 30, 2024

Consulting start date

September 20, 2024

  1. About ABA ROLI

For more than 30 years, the American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative (ABA ROLI) has worked in more than 100 countries to strengthen legal institutions, support legal professionals, foster respect for human rights, and advance public understanding of the law and citizens’ rights. Working with government agencies, the judiciary, lawyers, bar associations, legislatures, and civil society, we design programs that respond to local needs and that prioritize sustainable solutions to pressing rule of law challenges. To learn more about ABA ROLI, please visit:

Currently, the Legal Reform Fund (LRF) is being implemented in Guatemala, a Program supported by the Office of Global Women’s Issues (S/GWI) of the
United States Department of State to address obstacles that prevent women’s full and effective participation in the economic sphere, from an intersectional perspective, closely linked to other impediments to gender equality. It is based on five pillars: Access to institutions, creation of credits, ability to travel, acquisition and management of property and eliminating barriers to employment.

  1. Project Description

Recently, ABA ROLI concluded an analysis of the initiative for the Law for the Economic Development of Women (LEYDEM) and the initiative to approve Convention 189 of the International Labour Organization (ILO) on domestic workers. Both initiatives are contextualized below:

The Women’s Economic Development Act is a bill (5452) presented to the Congress of the Republic of Guatemala on May 15, 2018. It was subsequently presented to the Plenary on August 21, 2018. The bill was sent to the Women and Public Finance and Currency Commission to carry out the corresponding analyses and to issue an opinion on its admissibility.

The Women’s Commission, made up of deputies from different political parties, carried out the study of the initiative and on November 25, 2019 issued a Favorable Opinion with modifications, making several changes to the original proposal. The process has been slow; on June 23, 2021, the president of the Women’s Commission announced that in coordination with the LEYDEM platform, they presented the bill to be included in the legislative agenda and continue with the corresponding process. Finally, on April 28, 2021, the first plenary debate was held.

On the other hand, Initiative 4981, which provides for the approval of Convention No. 189 on Decent Work for Domestic Workers of the International Labour Organization, adopted in Geneva on June 16, 2011, was submitted to the Congress of the Republic on August 11, 2015, and was presented to the Plenary Session on January 28, 2016. During that year, the initiative moved forward, obtaining a favorable opinion from the Labor Committee on March 8, and the first and second debates were on October 4 and 27, respectively. However, since that date, no progress has been made towards its ratification.

The approval of both initiatives would represent a significant advance in terms of legal protection for the economic empowerment of women. For this reason, the Legal Reform Fund (LRF) program in Guatemala is seeking a company to develop and implement a communication campaign to contribute to this goal.
During the provision of services, the consulting firm will work in collaboration with the Program Officer and Program Coordinator for Guatemala, a team based in the U.S. composed of ABA ROLI staff and the expert consultants in charge of following up on this issue, to coordinate the activity in Guatemala.

  1. Scope of work
    1. Goals

The general objective of the consultancy is:

Design and implement a campaign to inform women in Guatemala in a simple, clear, and direct way about their economic and labor rights, with easy-to-understand information on how to exercise them, as well as promote the approval of the Women’s Economic Development Law (LEYDEM) (5452) and the initiative to approve Convention 189 of the International Labor Organization (ILO) on domestic workers (4981), which seek to provide a legal framework that allows for the economic empowerment of women. The campaign must be built in collaboration with ABA ROLI and with the civil society organizations that are determined.

The specific objectives are as follows:

  1. Creatively update graphic, audiovisual, printed, digital, interactive or any other type of material that has been identified as a good practice by the civil society organizations that are determined.
  2. To report on the current situation and context of the Law for the Economic Development of Women -LEYDEM- (5452) initiative, in order to raise awareness about the importance of the approval of said initiative by the Congress of the Republic.
  3. To report on the current situation and context of the initiative to approve Convention 189 of the International Labour Organization -ILO- on domestic workers (4981), in order to raise awareness about the importance of ratification by the Congress of the Republic of said Convention.
    1. Activities
  4. Design, plan and implement a comprehensive communication campaign, in collaboration with ABA ROLI and the civil society organizations that are determined, which includes: title, creative concept, multi-channel dissemination plan, deliverables, measurement indicators and results reporting.
  5. Guide and articulate all communication actions that form part of the campaign, ensuring coherence, consistency, effectiveness, cultural relevance and gender focus, in accordance with the general and specific objectives outlined in this document.
  6. Consider the creation of content, the design, development and dissemination of all materials and tools that form part of the communication campaign with cultural relevance and a gender focus.
  7. Coordinate and take charge of the translation and/or interpretation of all graphic, audiovisual, printed, digital, interactive or any other nature of material, of the communication campaign in four (4) Mayan languages, which will be determined later by the ABA ROLI.
  8. Creatively update graphic, audiovisual, printed, digital, interactive or any other type of content, previously prepared and provided by the civil society organizations that are determined and that have been identified as good practices.
  9. Disseminate through mass media and social networks any information or activity carried out by ABAR ROLI, the implementing partners (civil society organizations and international cooperation), or any other relevant actor, that represents an informational opportunity and has a direct impact on women in the country.
  10. Consider innovative activities that facilitate the dissemination of the initiative of the Law for the Economic Development of Women -LEYDEM- (5452) and the initiative that seeks to approve Convention 189 of the International Labor Organization -ILO- on domestic workers (4981) at a mass level; and even define microsegments for the creation of specific messages that manage to reach the individual level with the purpose of informing and raising awareness about the economic and labor rights of women.
  11. Report monthly key performance indicators and metrics that allow executive insight into progress, learning, risks, and measures to be taken to correct or improve campaign actions.
  12. Report at the end of the campaign: statistics, reach, interactions, metrics that resulted from the implementation of the campaign, preferably, with a breakdown by channel or means of communication, characteristics of the target audience, among others defined by the ABA ROLI.
    1. Expected results

The consulting firm must deliver the products described below, in preliminary versions subject to review. An initial meeting will be held to define the approval route and other information for the development of the consultancy.

Product 1

Detailed work plan with the main activities, work methodologies, activity schedule, type of materials to be produced and updated, among others.

Product 2

Creation and updating of content, design, development and dissemination of all materials and tools that form part of the communication campaign with cultural relevance and a gender focus, aimed at promoting women’s economic and labour rights.

Product 3

Creation and updating of content, the design, development and dissemination of all materials and tools that form part of the communication campaign with cultural relevance and a gender focus, aimed at promoting the approval of the initiative of the Law for the Economic Development of Women -LEYDEM- (5452).

Product 4

Creation and updating of content, design, development and dissemination of all materials and tools that form part of the communication campaign with cultural relevance and a gender focus, aimed at promoting the approval of the initiative that seeks to approve Convention 189 of the International Labour Organization -ILO- on domestic workers (4981).

Product 5

Final report at the end of the campaign containing the statistics, reach, interactions, and metrics that resulted from the implementation of the campaign, preferably with a breakdown by channel or means of communication, characteristics of the target audience, and any other information defined by the ABA ROLI.

    1. Institutional agreements
  1. The consulting person or company will meet with institutions, organizations or individuals with whom, according to the proposed objectives, they will identify technical elements in relation to the contents of the products.
  2. For the development of the consultancy, facilities, equipment or support staff will not be provided, beyond what the results consider part of the activities to be carried out.
  3. The expected products will be presented to the Coordinator of the Legal Reform Fund Program, Tania Montoya and sent to the email with a copy to the Program Officer, Jazmin López,
    1. Duration of work

The consultancy will last three (3) months, starting from the validity of the contract.

    1. Place of work

The main location will be in the Department of Guatemala. If the nature of the consultancy requires it, the consultancy will be transferred to the departmental or regional headquarters of the institutions or organizations involved.

    1. Profile of the Individual Consultant or Consulting Company

Professional in Communication Sciences or communication and/or advertising agency specialized in the deployment of comprehensive, informative, mass-content campaigns with proven experience of national scope, experience of no less than 5 years of trajectory and recognition.

      1. Requirements
  1. Relationship with media (radio, internet, podcasts, social networks, newspapers, etc.)
  2. Design, development and production of content and communication materials
  3. Creation and implementation of digital strategies and content
  4. Excellent writing, editing and proofreading skills in Spanish
  5. Creation and design of press releases, scripts, radio spots, videos, gifs, etc.
  6. Control and measurement of the effectiveness of the work throughout the consultancy
  7. Timely attention and approach to current issues and situations
  8. Creative and critical thinking
  9. Up-to-date knowledge of the national political, social and economic context
  10. Experience in the design, planning and implementation of communication campaigns with a social purpose
  11. Guarantee of confidentiality and discretion in the handling of information
  12. Knowledge of gender issues and women’s economic and labour rights.
      1. Experience
  13. At least 3 years of work experience in audiovisual production.
  14. At least 2 years of experience in social communication diagnostics, design, implementation and evaluation of social communication campaigns.
  15. Experience in the field of gender equality, women’s economic and labour rights or with international organisations/international cooperation.
  16. Copyright and Property

The Consultant or Consulting Firm will handle all documents, correspondence, decisions and orders relating to the contract as confidential and restricted and will not disclose them or allow access to them by any unauthorized person.

The Contractor may not at any time disclose to any other person any information known to him or her; the Contractor shall not at any time use such information for his or her own advantage. These obligations shall not cease after the end of this contract.

The information and products of this service will be property of ABA ROLI.

  1. Submission of application

To apply, please submit a PDF technical proposal, financial expectations in dollars, consultant or agency portfolio, description of approach and relevant experience.

Applications will be evaluated on a rolling basis until August 30, 2024.

The American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative is committed to supporting diversity, equity, and inclusion in all of its programs. Individuals who self-identify as belonging to marginalized, vulnerable, or underrepresented populations/communities are especially encouraged to apply.

How to apply

[Guatemala] Communications Expert – Organizational Consulting – American Bar Association – Career Page (
