
For 30 years, the American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative (ABA ROLI) has worked in more than 100 countries to strengthen legal institutions, support legal professionals, foster respect for human rights, and advance public understanding of the law and citizen rights. In collaboration with government agencies, the judiciary, lawyers, bar associations, legislatures, and civil society, we design programs that are responsive to local needs and that prioritize sustainable solutions to pressing rule of law challenges.

About the Human Rights for All Activity
The Human Rights for All Activity aims to strengthen the Guatemalan human rights system so that all citizens are respected and protected. Through advocacy, education, awareness-raising, and capacity building, the project will promote a culture of respect for human rights to foster the further development of Guatemala.
The goal of the Human Rights for All project is to strengthen Guatemala’s human rights system, this goal will be advanced by the following objectives: Objective 1: The enabling environment to prevent and mitigate human rights abuses is enhanced; Objective 2: The protection of human rights is improved; Objective 3: The capacity of the Guatemalan civil society and selected government entities to respond to human rights abuses is increased.

Description of the consultancy
The Presidential Commission for Peace and Human Rights (COPADEH) is the entity of the Executive Branch in charge of advising and coordinating with the corresponding agencies, as well as with other actors, to promote actions and mechanisms aimed at protecting and guaranteeing human rights, fostering a culture of peace based on non-violence, and ensuring compliance with governmental commitments derived from the Peace Agreements.

In 2020, COPADEH was established by Governmental Agreement 100-2020 following the extinction of the Presidential Commission for Coordinating Executive Policy on Human Rights (COPREDEH), the Presidential Secretariat for Peace (SEPAZ) and the Presidential Secretariat for Agrarian Affairs (SAA). In this process, COPADEH received the assets of these entities for safekeeping, which were initially stored in a leased warehouse at COPEREX (Parque de la Industria). However, in some cases, there were no formal minutes of receipt and delivery of these assets.

The current administration of COPADEH has identified that there is no documentary evidence of physical verification of the receipt of these goods. Since January 2024, COPADEH has initiated the process of inventorying and digitizing these assets.

Therefore, COPADEH requires technical assistance to verify the assets under its custody, as well as to establish a database that will serve as a tool to manage the regularization of existing assets and document those that are not physically present. This will allow the Commission in charge of the liquidation processes of the extinct SAA, SEPAZ and COPREDEH (according to Governmental Agreement 46-2022) to carry out the necessary administrative, financial and legal steps to regularize these assets before the corresponding authorities.


  1. Separate, order and identify assets according to the inventory numbers of each institution.
  2. Execute the physical count of assets.
  3. Transfer the information to the data entry clerk for the preparation of the corresponding report.
  4. Proper management of assets.
  5. Participation in agreed meetings.
  6. Other duties as assigned by your immediate supervisor according to your job description.

Main results
Detailed report on the separation, management and identification of assets.

The duration of the consultation will be no more than 45 working days.


  1. Certified Public Accountant, Bachelor’s degree at the intermediate level.
  2. Preferably a student of 3rd semester approved in business administration, auditing or similar career.
  3. Work experience of 1 year in activities related to the position.
  4. Skills in:
  5. Word, Excel and other computer programs.
  6. Visualization tools.
  7. Analytical skills.

Those interested and meeting the profile should apply by email, including:

  1. Detail of *Curriculum Vitae (*No more than 5 pages)

Applications will be evaluated on a rolling basis through September 2, 2024.

The American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative is committed to supporting diversity, equity and inclusion in all of its programs. Individuals who self-identify as belonging to marginalized, vulnerable, or underrepresented populations/communities are especially encouraged to apply. In compliance with the ADA Amendments Act (ADAAA), if you have a disability and would like to request an accommodation to apply for a position with the American Bar Association , please call 312-988-5188.

For more than 30 years, the American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative (ABA ROLI) has worked in more than 100 countries to strengthen legal institutions, support legal professionals, foster respect for human rights, and advance public understanding of the law and citizens’ rights. Working with government agencies, the judiciary, lawyers, bar associations, legislatures, and civil society, we design programs that respond to local needs and prioritize sustainable solutions to pressing rule of law challenges.

About the Human Rights for All Project
The Human Rights for All project aims to strengthen the Guatemalan human rights system so that all citizens are respected and protected. Through advocacy, education, awareness-raising, and training, the project will promote a culture of respect for human rights to foster Guatemala’s development. The goal of the Human Rights for All project is to strengthen Guatemala’s human rights system. This goal will be achieved through the following objectives: Objective 1: Improve the enabling environment to prevent and mitigate human rights abuses; Objective 2: Improve the protection of human rights; Objective 3: Increase the capacity of Guatemalan civil society and selected government entities to respond to human rights abuses.

Description of the consultancy
The Presidential Commission for Peace and Human Rights (COPADEH) is the entity of the Executive Branch responsible for advising and coordinating with the corresponding agencies, as well as with other actors, to promote actions and mechanisms aimed at protecting and guaranteeing human rights, fostering a culture of peace based on non-violence, and ensuring compliance with government commitments arising from the Peace Accords.

In 2020, COPADEH was established through Government Agreement 100-2020 following the extinction of the Presidential Commission for the Coordination of Executive Policy on Human Rights (COPREDEH), the Secretariat for Peace of the Presidency of the Republic (SEPAZ) and the Secretariat for Agrarian Affairs of the Presidency (SAA). In this process, COPADEH received the assets of these entities for safekeeping, which were initially stored in a rented warehouse in COPEREX (Parque de la Industria). However, in some cases, there were no formal records of receipt and delivery of these assets.

The current COPADEH administration has identified that there are no documentary records that demonstrate the physical verification of the receipt of said assets. Therefore, since January 2024, COPADEH has begun the process of inventorying these assets to continue with the corresponding procedure.

For this reason, COPADEH requires technical assistance to verify the assets under its custody, as well as to establish a database that serves as a tool to manage the regularization of existing assets and document those that are not physically present. This will allow the Commission in charge of the liquidation processes of the extinct SAA, SEPAZ and COPREDEH (according to Government Agreement 46-2022) to carry out the administrative, financial and legal procedures necessary to regularize these assets before the corresponding authorities.


  1. Separate, sort and identify assets according to the inventory numbers of each institution.
  2. Perform a physical count of the assets.
  3. Transfer the information to the typist for preparation of the corresponding report.
  4. Proper handling of assets.
  5. Participation in convened meetings.
  6. Other functions assigned by your immediate supervisor according to the work area.

Main results
Detailed report on the separation, organisation and identification of assets.

The duration of the consultancy will not exceed 45 business days.


  1. Certified Public Accountant, High School Graduate.
  2. Preferably a 3rd semester student approved in business administration, auditing or related degree.
  3. 1 year of work experience in activities related to the position.
  4. Skills in:
  5. Word, Excel and other computer programs.
  6. Visualization tools.
  7. Analytical capacity.

Interested persons who meet the profile should apply by email, including:

  1. Details of the Curriculum Vitae (No more than 5 pages)

Applications will be evaluated on a rolling basis until September 2, 2024.

The American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative is committed to supporting diversity, equity, and inclusion in all of its programs. Individuals who self-identify as belonging to marginalized, vulnerable, or underrepresented populations/communities are especially encouraged to apply. In compliance with the ADA Amendments Act (ADAAA), if you have a disability and would like to request an accommodation to apply for a position with the American Bar Association , please call 312-988-5188.

How to apply

Physical Inventory Inspection and Information Transfer Consulting – SAA, SEPAZ and COPREDEH. – American Bar Association – Career Page (
